Promovirajte jedinstvenost svojih proizvoda i usluga na sajmu outdoor turizma “Enjoy Outdoor Sarajevo”
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Pozivamo sve zainteresirane proizvođače i/ili trgovce sportskom opremom, sportske klinike, sportska društva i klubove, turoperatere i proizvođače domaće autohtone hrane, da promoviraju jedinstvenost svojih proizvoda i usluga na sajmu outdoor turizma “Enjoy Outdoor Sarajevo”
Prijaviti se možete putem sljedećeg linka:
Rok za slanje prijava je 22. 8.2023. godine.
Sajam outdoor turizma održat će se na platou Skakavca, u okviru događaja “Sarajevo Outdoor Festival” od 2. do 3. septembra 2023. godine, a očekuje se najmanje 3000 posjetilaca i učesnika. Izlagačima će se omogućiti prostor za izlaganje i predstavljanje proizvoda iz niše avanturističkog i sportskog turizma.
Ne propustite ovu nevjerovatnu priliku da ostavite svoj trag u svijetu outdoor turizma! Čekamo vas na sajmu outdoor turizma “Enjoy Outdoor Sarajevo”.
We invite all interested sports equipment manufacturers and/or traders, sports clinics, sports societies and clubs, tour operators, and producers of local traditional food to promote the uniqueness of their products and services at the “Enjoy Outdoor Sarajevo” outdoor tourism fair.
You can apply at the following link:
The deadline for submitting applications is August 22, 2023.
The outdoor tourism fair will be held at the Skakavac plateau as part of the “Sarajevo Outdoor Festival” from September 2nd to 3rd, 2023, and we expect at least 3000 visitors and participants. Exhibitors will be provided with space to showcase and present products from the niche of adventure and sports tourism.
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to make your mark in the world of outdoor tourism! We are looking forward to welcoming you at the “Enjoy Outdoor Sarajevo” outdoor tourism fair.